Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Three Great Blogs

Truly, I think everyone's blogs are pretty fantastic though if I did have to choose some of my favorites, they would probably be (in no particular order) Lena's, Ana's and Fiona's blogs.

Lena's blog has a very creative and unique look to it. She used her own pictures and quotes to decorate her blog and make it a little more personal. Actually, the more I read through, I'm noticing most of her writing is especially personal, at least her poems are. She writes about her many interesting experiences. I can tell she puts a lot of work into everything. I think one of the best posts up on her blog, though all of them are really good, is her poem response to the painting "Heat". It has so much emotion and depth to it. It flows and she used words that just made it all work. I love it and her blog and her! Great Job Lena!

I also really loved Ana's blog mostly because I can hear her voice and see her personality in all of the writing she posts. It never fails. Sometimes she puts parentheses in her writing to get across something she wanted to make sure the reader understood and that's when I'm like, yup that's Ana, right there. Not to mention her writing is so thought provoking and full of ideas I would have never thought of before. Everything she does is super creative and very well written that I look forward to what she puts up next. I like that fact that she makes her own rules on her blog, her own style, and that's something I'd really like to try to add to my own blog as well. Nice Job Ana!!

And last but not least, I liked Fiona's blog a lot! I've found that everything written on it is really insightful and beautiful like it could professional work or something. Her responses always touch on many important ideas and they always leave the reader wondering- she creates tons of questions and wonders about a lot in her responses which make them especially intriguing. Her sonnet is definitely one of my favorite poems she has written although all of them are so deep and thoughtful. I just thought her sonnet was so deep and amazing and used so much advanced and Shakespearean vocabulary that it reminded me of one of Shakespeare's poems. It can be interpreted in many different ways and it all just flows. Everything Fiona writes flows and that's one of the things I admire most about her blog. Awesome Job! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Crossing between I dream to stay with them
Found in dark place but here I’m not alone
All acts of hate and fear are soon condemned
Without a shadow’s grim face weeping shown

And here I don’t pretend to all the sea
So not controlled nor puppet on a string
A sky so bright it makes me glad to be
They jump they fly they swoop, the birds, they sing

It’s now this hour of peace I think of most
When dawn begins to break and calm’s no more
I hope to glide that glory boat to coast
Though not to reach the sounds that lie ashore

My wish is filled with passion and great love
To stay with what’s below and found above. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poetry Forward

Life is only what it is because of the different ways we interpret it. And these interpretations come from somewhere hidden or not; our unique minds. They come from our experiences and what we decide to absorb from them. Thus becomes poetry. We write what we know and what we’ve felt. This is the exact opposite to what I have done here with these poems. I have not known what it’s like at war. I have not felt the wonder and sadness of losing someone. No, I’ve never even held a gun. But in this case I used other knowledge; experiences from others that I’ve learned and heard. I felt this was important and I needed to get some specific messages across. I’m not breaking the rules because poetry has none.
            War meant something different a long time ago. It used to mean fighting for freedom, fighting for rights. But it’s not the same now.
I’ve been aware and noticed that wars occur since a very young age. My Dad was quick to teach me about peace and how it’s his dream to see it throughout the world. I learned war was very very different from peace. I learned that it caused pain and death worse than any I could imagine. Yet as I grew older and I began to see two sides to everything, I wondered what war’s other side was; to protect our country? Were we ever really in danger from the place we were attacking? Older and older and now I just don’t know. It’s so complicated and intriguing, which is why I had to write about, I had to share.
            So I suppose you could say I did write what I know. I wrote from many sides, I wrote as them and for them. I can’t say I’m 100% accurate; of course I am not these people but after years of learning, struggling to comprehend, I feel I’m close because like me, they are confused and worried and scared for the future.